walter von rentzell


Attorney. Born in 1970. He graduated from the National School of Buenos Aires and the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), with solid experience in legal counseling of natural and legal persons, as well as in litigation and dispute resolution. 

Having specialized in aviation law, he has obtained a postgraduate degree in air and space law from UBA. He is also the holder of an official diploma in mediation. From 1998 until 2008 he was a litigation department staff member at Cárdenas & Cassagne law firm, in charge of dealing with civil, commercial, labour and administrative law areas, while rendering corporate counseling services. Since 2008, he worked for LATAM Airlines S.A. in Argentina in the position of legal department manager in charge of litigation and aviation policy until 2020. As of October 2020, he has been a partner in Cartasso Naveyra Abogados law firm, with expertise in corporate counseling as regards corporate, contractual, commercial and general business matters. Within the aviation market, he boasts an extensive background of relating and interacting with agencies linked to the commercial aviation business, such as the National Civil Aviation Administration (Administración Nacional de Aviación Civil), the Airports Controlling Agency (Organismo Regulador de Aeropuertos), the National Migration Administration (Dirección Nacional de Migraciones), service providers, and the several decentralized agencies around the country. He has participated in several bilateral and multilateral meetings with national and international agencies. Moreover, he has rendered counseling services in air traffic law, taking part in various public hearings, administrative investigation proceedings, passenger claims, consumer protection matters, and mediations. As far as his academic pursuits are concerned, he has lectured in several courses and seminars at the national and international stages. Likewise, he has spoken at the Latin American Air Transport Association Legal Committee, and before the Honourable National Congress Transportation Commission. He is a member of the JURCA (Chamber of Airlines in Argentina) Legal Committee, a member of City of Buenos Aires Bar Association.

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