Marina Coppola


Born in Buenos Aires in 1974, Marina has obtained a bachelor´s degree in commercial aviation from UADE university. As a lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, with a major in aviation law, she later obtained a posgraduate diploma in aviation law from UBA. 

In 2017, she participated in the “Law without walls” programme sponsored by the University of Miami School of Law, Florida, USA. At the professional level, since 1995 she worked for the LATAM group, mainly in the cargo, operational security, process auditing and legal sectors. In the latter sector, from 2011 until Dec 2020, she was in charge of out-of-court complaints, consumer protection and protected consumption claims, pre-judicial mediations, and judicial complaints at the civil, commercial, federal civil and commercial courts in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and other province court jurisdictions. Her expertise also includes the handling of administrative inquiries by the Dirección Nacional de Migraciones (National Migration Administration) and the Administración Nacional de Aviación Civil (National Civil Aviation Administration). At present, she is employed at CN Abogados as a lawyer for major commercial companies within the commercial air transportation field in the capacity of their legal representative as far as pre-judicial mediations, protected consumption mediations and consumer protection administrative hearings are concerned. She is a member of the City of Buenos Aires Bar Association.  

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